Laurie Marie Thinks

Nothing better to do on a Saturday night…

February 8, 2009
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I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than redesign my blog (new layout, new name, updated my bio), upload some pictures and generally just mess around.

Actually, I do have that ethics paper due on Thursday. And a project due Monday. But I’m pretty much done the project, and we’re getting some class time on Monday, so I can ask Therese some questions about it.

Last night was the Vagina Monologues. It was so amazing. For me, it was the first time I had ever seen some of the monologues preformed, since most of the rehearsals were one-on-one with the director. Everyone was incredible, and so emotional. I think we changed some minds last night! There was also a great preview in this week’s Intercamp (and I’m not just saying that because I was one of the girls interviewed).

I’ve got some personal stuff (no worries, nothing bad!) going on right now, but I don’t care to blog about it.

I disappeared. Oops.

November 18, 2008

Right. Well it’s been a few weeks since I’ve updated. I’ve been busy with school and stuff (which is a lame excuse but completley valid)

So, what has happened since I came back from Van? Halloween, and a week off from school where I got to go home top the list. Other than that I bummed around doing nothing.

For Halloween I went out with Vince, Kelsey and Kim trick or treating (shame) and then we went to Ceili’s. Good times. I love that pub- it is sweet and has a good location (right across from res).

On Thursday Nov. 6 I went home!!! YAY! I hadn’t seen anyone since August, so it was pretty awesome. Surprised Donna, got to eat some freaking awesome food (thanks Mom!) and just hang out. Woop!

So now I’m back to the old grindstone. illScarlett is coming to town in December – I’m gonna try to interview them. Courtney says she’d go to the concert with me, which rocks. More to come on that.

I need to start on my research project – I’m doing research to see if growing up in a rural or urban setting determines your social skills.

I am hungry – going to eat some of the food Mom sent home with me.

Apparently Thursday is Blog Day

October 17, 2008
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I only have time to blog once a week I suppose.

Thanksgiving was freakin’ awesome! I loved every minute of it. The laughter, the food, the booze, the family…. all terrific! The only downfall is that I didn’t do near enough homework and am now back-logged. Boo.

I had a grammar midterm today. Hopefully it went well. I took the whole 90 minutes, and was done just in time, which was nice. It didn’t seem too hard, which worries me.

I hate group projects. I don’t hate my group, but I hate the feeling of no control over everything and a lack of direction. I need to focus on it, but it’s so hard because I don’t want to focus on what other members are focussing on. I guess I just have to do a basic outline then go from there.

So… yeah. I am so glad I don’t have a job right now or my head may just explode.

Tentative exam schedule!

December 9, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.: Foundations of Composition.

December 10, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.: English (midterm)

December 15, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Research Skills

The other two courses I have (Mac Skills and Reporting) are just final projects that have to be completed in class. The schedule looks pretty good to me- I’m not crazy about Research being so far away from the others because I want to go home ASAP, but then again, it’s more study time. Besides, I’ll have Mac Skills and Reporting in between probably.

So, just to recap: Good Thanksgiving, moderate midterm, hating group projects, no job and exams.

I actually kinda miss high school right now. It was so freaking easy.

PS: Vancouver in 8 more days!!!

Exciting Stuff Man!

September 28, 2008
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I know, another update so quick? It’s because some exciting stuff happened.

I am one of the few recievers of the Saskatchewan General Proficiency Award. That means that I had one of the highest averages in Saskatchewan my Grade 12 year. I don’t know how many they give out, and it’s according to school divisions (I think), but it’s still pretty sweet!

On Thursday I at down with Aimee (Intercamp Features ed.) to go over the edits for my feature about students and money. She had nothing but good things to say- I used colourful quotes, I had awesome organization, and best of all, only 3 mistakes in the whole 1800 words, 8 page story. I also get to work on the layout of the piece with Chris, the graphics dude, on Tuesday. I am so excited to see my baby get published in the October 3rd issue!  My first Intercamp piece was published in the most recent issue, and you can read it here.

I did my interview with Andy Patil yesterday and it went AWESOME! He was very cool and laid-back, and really nice. We talked about his musical influence, our love for GarageBand, and the origin of the name El Torpedo. Fun Fact: his favourite song from their self-titled album is Lost Souls, while his favourite Terminal Romance song is Northern Belle. I can wait to do the write-up, and I’m so pumped for the concert (which I’m going to, because it turns out Maureen is going, and I didn’t want to go on my own).

This morning I went on a cleaning spree in my room becuase it was really dusty. I got some wipes for my computer yesterday, so now all the dirty fingerprints are gone and it’s back to being white. YAY!

Ugh I should work on my essays and Intercamp stuff.  And eat.


    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.