Laurie Marie Thinks

Just Another Thursday

October 9, 2008
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Yet another Thursday. I would like to blog more, but half the time I have nothing to say, or I’m too busy.

I’m so pumped for tomorrow. As much as I love Edmonton, I can’t wait to get out to Smith’s and chill with my cousins. The rib cook-off? Just an added incentive.

My interview with Andy Patil from Matt Mays + El Torpedo comes out today. The headline? “Matt Mays + El Torpedo get even the best writers frazzled” Oh Kristen, you make me blush…

Also, I did a sports piece. Now that you have picked yourself off the ground, it wasn’t anything too major- just a piece on the dance team. It’s not like I actually went to a game.

Last night Tara’s family took me out to the Royal Glenora for dinner. It was so awesome…. nice not to have to resort to grilled cheese like most Wednesdays!

Um…. what else…. 14 days until Vancouver, 9 days until MM+ET concert. WOOT.

Van City is going to be so awesome. Encounters crew! Conference! French!

My life rules. I just need money.If you have extra, feel free to send it along hahahahaha.

Moderate Madness

September 25, 2008
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Ack, it’s been so long without blogging, so here’s a little to bring you up to speed:

1. I have a roommate! They merged all the roommate-less people, so Tara moved in with me. We are both early-to-bed, non-weekday partiers etc. It’s great. I really didn’t want someone who was going to be drunk half the time.

2. I have an interview with Andy Patil, the bass player in El Torpedo on Friday. Have I mentioned that I love Matt Mays + El Torpedo? Here’s to hoping that I don’t shake so much that I don’t make sense.

3. I have an interview with the lead singer from FemBots on the first of October. I was really hoping to do FemBots before El Torpedo, but it just didn’t work out that way, what with touring schedules and all.

4. School work! I have a resource evaluation due on Monday, an essay due the 7th, and a essay due the 8th, plus tiny little assignments in between. Hopefully it will settle down a little bit.

If you haven’t heard from me, or don’t hear from me in a while, I’m still alive, just under a pile of work.


    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.