Laurie Marie Thinks

I disappeared. Oops.

November 18, 2008

Right. Well it’s been a few weeks since I’ve updated. I’ve been busy with school and stuff (which is a lame excuse but completley valid)

So, what has happened since I came back from Van? Halloween, and a week off from school where I got to go home top the list. Other than that I bummed around doing nothing.

For Halloween I went out with Vince, Kelsey and Kim trick or treating (shame) and then we went to Ceili’s. Good times. I love that pub- it is sweet and has a good location (right across from res).

On Thursday Nov. 6 I went home!!! YAY! I hadn’t seen anyone since August, so it was pretty awesome. Surprised Donna, got to eat some freaking awesome food (thanks Mom!) and just hang out. Woop!

So now I’m back to the old grindstone. illScarlett is coming to town in December – I’m gonna try to interview them. Courtney says she’d go to the concert with me, which rocks. More to come on that.

I need to start on my research project – I’m doing research to see if growing up in a rural or urban setting determines your social skills.

I am hungry – going to eat some of the food Mom sent home with me.

I Hurt…. MUST Have Been A Good Show

October 19, 2008
1 Comment

Ok, so here’s a breakdown of my night last night (yes, I probably should be studying, but this is important :D)

Oh the joy that is Matt Mays + El Torpedo

First, the friend I was going with couldn’t go, so I was debating on not going either. After some convincing from Tara, Caitlin and Meredith, I decided to go anyway. I didn’t want to waste my $30 ticket, and seriosuly, these guys have inspired some of my best fiction writing. So I went via bus and I found the place at around 7:45, and waiting in the freezing cold until 8:15 (doors were supposed to open at 8, but oh well), but I was 3rd in line.

Once we got in I milled around and went to the front, dead center. An hour and a half later the Arkells went on. They were supposed to go on at 8, a security guard said, but I guess they just…. well, didn’t. The Arkells were pretty good, and I’d probably listen to their album just to see what they sound like when the lead singer’s voice is present (the guy had “blown his load” the night before”).

And then, I heard the buzzing that is the intro to “Building a Boat”. Gradually the band came on, with Matt appearing all in white (complete with white Converse high tops…. I was close enough to tell that he wasn’t wearing socks. Ew.) with one of the most beautiful guitars I’ve seen. The people near me were a bunch of rowdy drunk guys, and they kept screaming “Matt F***ing Mays!”, “Cocaine Cowgirl” and “Stand Down At Sundown”. Right in my ear. Beautiful. And then when they finally played CC, (which I saw coming because I could read the set list)

So of course, being right up front I got smashed into the security gate and now I’m stiff as hell, but no worries, I survived (except now I have Tara’s cold….. blech). I met a girl from rez and her friend (yes Meredith, you were right) and we got a taxi home with two other women who live around the same area, which was nice. Between the 5 of us, it was only about $5 each.

I was going to go backstage (which I wish I tried to do now, of course) but I was so sore and I wanted to stay with the girls, so I decided not to)

So that’s my crazy night, and I survived! 😀


    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.