Laurie Marie Thinks

Exciting Stuff Man!

September 28, 2008
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I know, another update so quick? It’s because some exciting stuff happened.

I am one of the few recievers of the Saskatchewan General Proficiency Award. That means that I had one of the highest averages in Saskatchewan my Grade 12 year. I don’t know how many they give out, and it’s according to school divisions (I think), but it’s still pretty sweet!

On Thursday I at down with Aimee (Intercamp Features ed.) to go over the edits for my feature about students and money. She had nothing but good things to say- I used colourful quotes, I had awesome organization, and best of all, only 3 mistakes in the whole 1800 words, 8 page story. I also get to work on the layout of the piece with Chris, the graphics dude, on Tuesday. I am so excited to see my baby get published in the October 3rd issue!  My first Intercamp piece was published in the most recent issue, and you can read it here.

I did my interview with Andy Patil yesterday and it went AWESOME! He was very cool and laid-back, and really nice. We talked about his musical influence, our love for GarageBand, and the origin of the name El Torpedo. Fun Fact: his favourite song from their self-titled album is Lost Souls, while his favourite Terminal Romance song is Northern Belle. I can wait to do the write-up, and I’m so pumped for the concert (which I’m going to, because it turns out Maureen is going, and I didn’t want to go on my own).

This morning I went on a cleaning spree in my room becuase it was really dusty. I got some wipes for my computer yesterday, so now all the dirty fingerprints are gone and it’s back to being white. YAY!

Ugh I should work on my essays and Intercamp stuff.  And eat.


September 3, 2008
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Orientation at the Centre for the Arts (CFAC) went well. The Circle of Rhythm was really cool. We all had these Boom Stick things, which are plastic tubes tuned to a certain note in the C scale. So the lower pitches, the longer tubes, would play a basic beat, and as the tubes got shorter (or the pitches went higher) the rhythm ot more complicated. It was so cool to see everyone working together.

The Keynote Speaker (Bridget Ryan of BT) was awesome. She’s an alumnus of CFAC (Theatre) so she knew what we were feeling. She was

I met one girl in Journalism, one in Pro. Writing (and I think we’re in some of the same sections, as I take mostly all PROW courses), and a TON (like 7, et least) who were in Music. I love going to the Arts school. It’s going to be so creative! (Sounds campy, but whatever)

So after I was done at the school I hopped on the bus. Unfortunately I ended up going west instead of east, and ended up on 166 St instead of 110 St. Oh well, I just waited around until the right bus showed up and went home

Political Side-Note: I’d be surprised if there were any students at my campus that are Conservatives, given Harper’s unforgiving slashing of Canadian arts & culture funds.

Coworkers, Money & School

August 15, 2008
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I think she is so lazy and annoying. I am so glad I only have one week left of being her co-worker (although she treats me like her employee)

I think that the only reason I would consider Ste-Anne’s a mistake is because I have no money. NONE. $37 in my bank account. Yes, I got $100 for my birthday, but I really don’t want to spend that on gas. I’m saving it for college supplies.

I think that college is going to be the scariest, most exhilerating thing on the planet. And I know I’m going to change a lot.

I leave in 2 weeks.

I don’t think anyone here is really prepared.

On a side note – I think Oasis and Ryan Adams are going to kick major ass. I can’t believe I can already cross them off my “Things To Do Before I’m Dead” list.


    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.