Laurie Marie Thinks

Holiday Hangover

January 6, 2009
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It’s back to school time kids! I kicked ass on my finals (well, I dunno about that English midterm…. we shall see. Hmmmm) and I went home and ate and did nothing as long as I could stand it. The whole familia was over, including Greg and Meredith and their dog Fortress. And then New Years came and went, and now that it’s 2009, I can’t believe how much I have changed in the last year. Case in point – my hair!


Jan. 2008 - This didn't last very long, to the dismay of my dad.


April 2008 - It's getting shorter!


May 2008 - Even shorter!


Dec. 2008 - This is probably the shortest my hair has been since I was 14.

It’s actually probably even shorter now than in that last picture. I kind of miss my long hair. It was nice to be able to just throw it up into a ponytail. Now I actually have to do it. Oh well, I really like my hair how it is. I’m sure I’ll grow it out again – I swore to myself that I’d never cut it short again, and look what I did!

In other news, I’m back in Edmonton and am going to class in an hour or so, but it’s English. Still, I’m happy to see my friends. I can’t wait to start my new classes (even though I have 3 8am classes – Monday, Thursday, Friday).

I should probably try to finish Surfacing

This was a weird post.

Just Another Thursday

October 9, 2008
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Yet another Thursday. I would like to blog more, but half the time I have nothing to say, or I’m too busy.

I’m so pumped for tomorrow. As much as I love Edmonton, I can’t wait to get out to Smith’s and chill with my cousins. The rib cook-off? Just an added incentive.

My interview with Andy Patil from Matt Mays + El Torpedo comes out today. The headline? “Matt Mays + El Torpedo get even the best writers frazzled” Oh Kristen, you make me blush…

Also, I did a sports piece. Now that you have picked yourself off the ground, it wasn’t anything too major- just a piece on the dance team. It’s not like I actually went to a game.

Last night Tara’s family took me out to the Royal Glenora for dinner. It was so awesome…. nice not to have to resort to grilled cheese like most Wednesdays!

Um…. what else…. 14 days until Vancouver, 9 days until MM+ET concert. WOOT.

Van City is going to be so awesome. Encounters crew! Conference! French!

My life rules. I just need money.If you have extra, feel free to send it along hahahahaha.

One Week In

September 6, 2008
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My classes have bee a little easy so far. Yesterday in Foundations of Composition all we did was read the syllabus and talk about our summers. Then today in Reporting I we read the syllabus, interviewed another person and presented them to the class, and watched Shattered Glass, about the American journalist for the New Republic who was found to have fabricated more than 50% of his stories. Very interesting.

I need to find someone to hang out with tonight! I am going to be so bored.

On Sunday Auntie Val and Darren are coming up to see Body Works, and are going to pick me up. I’m so excited that I’m gonna be able to see the Smiths more that I’m living up here in Edmonton.

On another note, Maureen and I (a girl I met in my Reporting I class) established that 90’s Disney movies are the best. Fo Sho,

Tomorrow, Tomorrow…

August 27, 2008
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… I move tomorrow, and that’s only a day away!

I am a combination of so excited I’m numb and so nervous I could explode. I’m not really sad because it’s only Edmonton, which is a five-hour drive, so my parents will be up to see me once in a while. It’s so weird because you wait 13 years for this day to come and when it does, you’re like “Oh crap, I’m all on my own. No more Mommy & Daddy to hold my hand. I have to make my own meals and do the dishes and if I don’t, I’ll starve and the roaches will move in.” Luckily I’m a (fairly) tidy person so the whole roaches thing shouldn’t be a problem.

What am I gonna do without Maryanne to beak me? I’ll never know when I’m breathing too loudly… unless I get a roommate like her (joy).

In other news, I’m all packed up and ready to go. Had a little mishap with a resident document but I got that taken care of. Now all I have to do is get everythng in the car. And with my vacuumed sealed clothes, blankets and pillows, I hopefully won’t have to bus anything. Either that or Donna will ride on the roof.

AND I get to see Ryan Adams / Oasis on Friday. I just might faint.


    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.