Laurie Marie Thinks


October 2, 2008
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I am going to Vancouver.

For Free.

For something that will help me in my future career.

I love college!!!!!!!!

I got selected to be one of two people Intercamp is sending to the Canadian University Press conference Octover 24-26 at UBC.

I get to see Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, feature comes out today. 😀

I need to do homework.

Run-Through of Week Two

September 14, 2008

Not much has happened this week.

On Wednesday, after nearly dying of boredom in my suite, I went to English class. We did nothing but talk AGAIN, and our prof is bringing in a movie about Aboriginals to Monday’s class. Now, I’m all about learning about Aboriginals and other cases of alienation inside Canada, but it doesn’t pertain to the course syllabus! It’s all very frustrating.

On Thursday it was Foundations of Composition. It was slightly dull, only because I knew how to parse sentences and can tell the difference between and adverb and an adjective. That evening I went to an Intercamp (MacEwan’s school paper) meeting and got a few assignments. The editor seemed really excited to have a Journalism student on board. He mentioned that there would be a Canadian University Press (CUP) conference in Vancouver on October 24-26, and I REALLY REALLY want to go. We’re driving, which would mean I would probably miss class, but it’s not going to be too ridicoulously expensive. I’m going to talk to Justin (the editor) about it to see what time we would be leaving/coming back. It’d be nice if I still didn’t have clas on Friday, so I wouldn’t have to worry.

I am doing a feature piece on post-secondary students and the pressures they receive from money, a EIFF film review (A Necessary Death) and a preview (and hopefully and interview) of FemBots, a band out of Calgary.

This Friday for Reporting I Shelly had Clara Ho, a recent grad of MacEwan journalism and a staff writer at the Journal come in to talk to us and tell us what she did to further her career and stuff. After her first year she worked at a small paper in Whitecourt. I think I’m going to try to do that at the Clarion, which would be a good experience for both parties involved.

Saturday was one of the most boring days of my life. I watched Baby Mama and read some stuff for my Research Skills class. Then I made grammar flash cards (which is something everyone wants to do on a Saturday night), watched SNL (Tina Fey as American VP candidate Sarah Palin…. AMAZING! Michael Phelps should stick to swimming though.) then went to bed.

Today I got up at noon (so now I’m officially a real college student), went for a swim (the best idea I’ve had for a long time) and read some chapters for FoC. Now I’m off to work on my Intercamp stuff.


    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.