Laurie Marie Thinks

Apparently Thursday is Blog Day | October 17, 2008

I only have time to blog once a week I suppose.

Thanksgiving was freakin’ awesome! I loved every minute of it. The laughter, the food, the booze, the family…. all terrific! The only downfall is that I didn’t do near enough homework and am now back-logged. Boo.

I had a grammar midterm today. Hopefully it went well. I took the whole 90 minutes, and was done just in time, which was nice. It didn’t seem too hard, which worries me.

I hate group projects. I don’t hate my group, but I hate the feeling of no control over everything and a lack of direction. I need to focus on it, but it’s so hard because I don’t want to focus on what other members are focussing on. I guess I just have to do a basic outline then go from there.

So… yeah. I am so glad I don’t have a job right now or my head may just explode.

Tentative exam schedule!

December 9, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.: Foundations of Composition.

December 10, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.: English (midterm)

December 15, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Research Skills

The other two courses I have (Mac Skills and Reporting) are just final projects that have to be completed in class. The schedule looks pretty good to me- I’m not crazy about Research being so far away from the others because I want to go home ASAP, but then again, it’s more study time. Besides, I’ll have Mac Skills and Reporting in between probably.

So, just to recap: Good Thanksgiving, moderate midterm, hating group projects, no job and exams.

I actually kinda miss high school right now. It was so freaking easy.

PS: Vancouver in 8 more days!!!

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    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.