Laurie Marie Thinks

Laurie Marie Thinks is taking a break

December 5, 2009
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My personal blog, Laurie Marie Thinks, is taking a break.

Essentially, this blog will stay up but I won’t update anymore. Instead, I will be focusing all my energy into my journalism-focused blog (Laurie Callsen, Journalist at Large). I want to absorb myself in journalism as much as possible, which will include journalism tutorials for Intercamp volunteers, my views on new media, etc etc.

Hope to see you there!

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Thank you!

October 12, 2009
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The things I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving.

Posted in school, social life

Of school, songs and Intercamp

September 17, 2009
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I feel like I have something I should be blogging about, but honestly, nothing comes to mind. Lately I’ve been busy with school, Intercamp and writing songs, so I guess I can talk about that.

School is schoolish. This term I am taking Reporting III, Radio Reporting, Political Reporting, Photojournalism and Legal Issues for Writers. Yippee. This looks to be a high stress year, but I think I can handle it. All the second year students are together; yay for camaraderie but boo for annoying people you have to see ALL THE TIME. Luckily there is only a few (for me) in our program.

Intercamp is putting out it’s second issue for the 09/10 year this week. Nothing too interesting happening there, except the SA VP Operations and Finance has stepped down. He’s the second in less than a year to do so. Hmmm.

As for the song writing, it’s going fairly well for me, the terrible songstress. I am thinking of doing a set at Steeps on 124th and Stony Plain Rd. for their open mic night. Or, you know, not subject people other than my friends to listen to me sing. I haven’t decided.

Also, a sidenote: holy global warming! It is currently 27 degrees out. Sure, we had a shitty summer weather-wise, but we’re basking in the sunshine now! Maybe this means winter will be a bit delayed 🙂 One can only hope. It’s so nice to be able to wear shorts in the middle of September.

10 Changes & Un-changes

September 8, 2009
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The top ten list of my summer changes… and the things that stayed the same.


May 27, 2009
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So I finally found time to update a little bit. I’m safe and sound in Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec, and loving it. Today is the halfway point – I can’t believe it! It’s also the last weekend in RDL. Next weekend we’re going to Quebec City (wooooooo!) and then the next weekend we go home. Therefore everyone is commited to partying it up this weekend. As usual I would be totally up for that if it wasn’t for my sore throat. 😦

Um….. there is too much to tell in one blog post, but just know that I am having a good time, that I’ve made lots of friends and that I’m learning lots.

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April 11, 2009
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I am going to do this in chronological order. It’s much funnier that way.

So, I am home for Easter. Today I decided to go see my sister. I took the backroads, as I am inclinded to do because it is so much prettier (or so I think after living in a city for a while). I got out to take a picture. I shut the car off but left my iPod running. I shut the door.

Turns out the car can magically lock itself. Keys in the ignition, cellphone on the dashboard. I’m about eight kilometres from home. So after dropping a few f-bombs and trying to pick the lock with my earring (I was trying to be resourceful; it didn’t work) I start a-walking.

2 miles later my dad found me, camera in hand, trotting on home. I can’t believe I walked that far. I’m quite proud. Unfortunetly Dea was freaking out, thinking I had hit the ditch or something. I figured someone would have figured out sooner or later that I was in trouble and would have found me.

The End

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Being a grown-up is hard.

March 17, 2009
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My pending summer plans.

Time, time, time…

February 26, 2009
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Ok, time goes by way too fast for my liking. I felt like I just did a blog post, and that was about two weeks ago. Geeze.

Anyway, school is becoming nuts and not nuts. How that happens I don’t know. I just need to get into the groove of things. Today was surprisingly productive. I just need to focus and have more study time! This whole being sociable thing is wreaking havoc on my schoolwork. But not to a point to failure (don’t worry Mom!). I need to bring back the To-Do lists.

I really have very little to say. I wrote an article on cover songs for Intercamp, and wrote some stuff recently to put on my writing portfolio blog. So I am still alive with a pen in my hand.

Tomorrow Courtney and I are off to The Citadel for Julius Caesar and on Friday we are going to a magazine release party. ‘Twill be a blast, I am sure.

Until next time.

Nothing better to do on a Saturday night…

February 8, 2009
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I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than redesign my blog (new layout, new name, updated my bio), upload some pictures and generally just mess around.

Actually, I do have that ethics paper due on Thursday. And a project due Monday. But I’m pretty much done the project, and we’re getting some class time on Monday, so I can ask Therese some questions about it.

Last night was the Vagina Monologues. It was so amazing. For me, it was the first time I had ever seen some of the monologues preformed, since most of the rehearsals were one-on-one with the director. Everyone was incredible, and so emotional. I think we changed some minds last night! There was also a great preview in this week’s Intercamp (and I’m not just saying that because I was one of the girls interviewed).

I’ve got some personal stuff (no worries, nothing bad!) going on right now, but I don’t care to blog about it.

Not creative enough for a name

January 28, 2009
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Oh school, how you absorb all that is me.

I love my photojournalism class (my instructor is John Ulan of Epic Photography). I haven’t really done anything too amazing, but check out one of my favourite shots here. I have another one with these two lovely models (har har) but am too lazy to put them on DA. They’re on Fbook anyway.

Speaking of Facebook, I came up with my story pitch idea…. how distracting social media is. I got the idea, of course, when I was on Facebook instead of doing my homework. Shame shame.

Other than that, not too much is new. My stress levels are somewhat calm, which scares me. Reading week is coming up and I can’t wait – although I have no plans at all. Just time to chill, sleep and work. Yipee!

PS – my acupuncture story hit the CUP wire! It’s off there now, but it was there! haha this probably isn’t that big of a deal, but I’m still happy.

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    Laurie Callsen was one of six graduates from Westcliffe Composite School’s class of 2008 in Marengo, Saskatchewan. Now a second-year Journalism student at MacEwan, she is currently the News Editor for Intercamp. In her downtime she is an alternative-folk musician who plays guitar and mandolin.